Do you know someone who needs web or mobile app development? Refer this person to us and get a pleasant additional income
Let’s partner upHere is what you can do with your reward:
Withdraw the money and get it right to your bank account
Use it as a deposit to develop your own project
We are a team with 10+ years of experience in web and
mobile development.
All development processes are always
transparent and
We build solutions for numerous business niches and
know how to launch startups.
01 Business Owners
who may need to optimize work processes
02 Startupers
who have great app idea and secured investment
03 Entrepreneurs
who seriously consider digitalization
04 Your Friends
who want to initiate app development
05 Digital Agencies
that need to scale the team fast or develop a project using technologies beyond their expertise
Already know someone who
needs development services?
It is very easy to become a techigator Affiliate.
You send us an email introducing your referral, and our manager will contact you and that person. If your referral initiates the development with techigator, you will get your commission.
The procedure is very transparent.
We sign an Affiliate Agreement with you, and our manager will keep you updated on the progress of the project development that your referral initiated. You will know at what stage the development is and what payment we’ve received.
As to the commission, you will get your first payment right after the start of the project since we work on a prepay basis.
Your commission will be sent to you on a regular basis that is defined by the project billing period (usually it is monthly). The payment options are individual and can be negotiated.
We encourage long-lasting partnership, so there is no limit of referrals that you can bring. Feel free to refer as many clients as you like as long as they have serious intentions and resources to start the development.
Yes, our Client Partner will contact you regularly and inform you about the project progress and all bills paid to our company by your referral.
There are several reward scenarios
that we practice.
#1 Let’s say, you refer us to a client that works in a
company that requires development services. That company already uses software that has
some issues. So they potentially may need consulting services. In this case you’ll get a
percentage of our consulting revenue, and your commission will get bigger if that
company needs development services. Your reward will be a 20% from our development
revenue sent on your account or a 10% discount on development services for both you and
the referral.
#2 Let’s say you know a company that needs 2 Angular developers.
You introduce techigator to that company, and after negotiating the
conditions we sign a one year contract with them. If our rate is $30 per hour of Angular
developer work, then 2 specialists will cost them $60 per hour for the next 12 months.
Excluding all holidays and possible vacations, we will earn $180K for 6000 hours. And
your commission will be $18,000.
Yes, techigator will sign an Affiliate Agreement with you. In that document all terms and conditions will be clearly stated, and our company is obliged to follow them. So you can be sure that you will always receive your commission timely and in a negotiated amount.
Looking forward to your message!